Xing Yi Chun Yang Jian (形意纯阳剑 – Xing Yi Pure Yang Sword)

This is what Sun Juan Yun told me about Chun Yang Jian: The form was created by Guo Yun Shen based on the sword teachings of Li Luo Neng. Li Chun Yang is an alias for Li Luo Neng so the name of the set is a honorific reference to Guo Yun Shens teacher. Chun Yang also has a well known meaning in daoist alchemy.

  1. 预备式 (Yùbèi shì) – Preparatory stance
  2. 潜龙出海 (Qián lóng chūhǎi) – Hidden dragon emerges from the sea. alt 潜龙伏海 (Qián lóng fú hǎi)
  3. 仙人指路 (Xiānrén zhǐ lù) – Immortal points the way. alt 指路剑 (Zhǐ lù jiàn)
  4. 倒退连三剑 (Dàotuì lián sān jiàn) – Step back with 3 linked swords. alt 退步连三剑 (Tuìbù lián sān jiàn)
  5. 扑剑 (Pū jiàn) – Fluttering sword
  6. 提炉剑 (Tí lú jiàn) – Raising furnace sword
  7. 落步斜单鞭 (Luò bù xié dān biān) – Step down oblique single whip. alt 落地斜单剑 (Luòdì xié dān jiàn)
  8. 怀中抱月 (Huái zhōng bào yuè) – Embracing the moon in the arms
  9. 磨盘剑 (Mò pán jiàn) – Grinding plate sword
  10. 扑剑 (Pū jiàn) – Fluttering sword
  11. 顺水推舟 (Shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu) – Push the boat along the water
  12. 玉女穿梭 (Yù nǚ chuān suō) – Lady pierces shuttle
  13. 白猿献桃 (Bái yuán xiàn táo) – White monkey offers peach
  14. 灵猫扑鼠 (Líng māo pū shǔ) – Agile cat pounces mouse
  15. 单抡剑 (Dān lūn jiàn) – Single whirling sword
  16. 推窗望月 (Tuī chuāng wàng yuè) – Push the shutters to gaze upon the moon
  17. 定心剑 (Dìng xīn jiàn ) – Settling heart sword. alt turn body hold the bowl 转身捧 (Zhuǎnshēn pěng dú)
  18. 㓲膀 (Piān bǎng) – Cutting shoulder. alt Shoulder slice 片膀 (Piàn bǎng)
  19. 磨盘剑 (Mò pán jiàn) – Grinding plate sword
  20. 扑剑 (Pū jiàn) – Fluttering sword
  21. 顺水推舟 (Shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu) – Push the boat along the water
  22. 玉女穿梭 (Yù nǚ chuān suō) – Lady pierces shuttle
  23. 白猿献桃 (Bái yuán xiàn táo) – White monkey offers peach
  24. 灵猫扑鼠 (Líng māopū shǔ) – Agile cat pounces mouse
  25. 单抡剑 (Dān lūn jiàn) – Single whirling sword
  26. 滴鞭剑 (Dī biān jiàn) – Dropping whip sword [滴鞭式 (Dī biān shì)]
  27. 快马加鞭 (Kuài mǎ jiā biān) – Add a whiplash to speed up the horse
  28. 败式崩剑 (Bài shì bēng jiàn) – Defeated posture, bursting sword
  29. 妙手背斩 (Miào shǒu bèi zhǎn) – Cut back with subtle hand
  30. 翻江搅海 (Fān jiāng jiǎo hǎi ) – Turning river stirs the ocean
  31. 野马跳槽 (Yě mǎ tiào cáo) – Wild horse jumps in the groove  alt 野马上槽 (Yěmǎ shàng cáo)
  32. 快马加鞭 (Kuài mǎ jiā biān) – Add a whiplash to speed up the horse
  33. 败式崩剑 (Bài shì bēng jiàn) – Defeated posture, bursting sword
  34. 妙手背斩 (Miào shǒu bèi zhǎn) – Cut back with subtle hand
  35. 蜻蜓点水 (Qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ) – Dragonfly touches water
  36. 探海剑 (Tàn hǎi jiàn) – Stretching out to the sea sword
  37. 怀中抱月 (Huái zhōng bào yuè) – Embracing the moon in the arms
  38. 云摩天盘剑 (Yún mó tiān pán jiàn) – Cloud stroke heavenly revolving sword
  39. 定心剑 (Dìng xīn jiàn ) – Settling heart sword alt turn body hold the bowl 转身捧 (Zhuǎnshēn pěng dú, sista tecknet saknas)
  40. 地盘剑 (Dìpán jiàn) – Earth revolving sword
  41. 回人盘剑 (Huí rén pán jiàn) – Returning man revolving sword [中人盘剑 (Zhōng rén pán jiàn)] alt 退步人盘剑 (Tuìbù rén pán jiàn)
  42. 上步黑虎出洞 (Shàng bù hēi hǔ chū dòng) – Step forward, black tiger exists cave
  43. 转身扑剑 (Zhuǎn shēn pū jiàn) – Turn body, fluttering sword
  44. 风轮剑 (Fēng lún jiàn) – Wind whirling sword
  45. 倒劈猴 (Dào pī hóu) – Inverted cutting monkey
  46. 青龙献爪 (Qīng lóng xiàn zhǎo) – Green dragon show claws
  47. 上步黑虎出洞 (Shàng bù hēi hǔ chū dòng) – Step forward ,black tiger exists cave
  48. 三环剑 (Sān huán jiàn) – Three looping swords
  49. 青龙翻身 (Qīng lóng fān shēn) – Green dragon turns body
  50. 潜龙出水 (Qián lóng chū shuǐ) – Hidden dragon emerges from the water
  51. 青龙归海 (Qīnglóng guī hǎi) – Green dragon returns to the sea
  52. 收式 (Shōu shì) – Closing form

Zhang Zhen Hua (disciple of Sun Jian Yun) performing Chun Yang Jian:

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