Poem of pushing hands

The poem of pushing hands (打手歌)

By Wang Zong Yue (王宗岳)

Ward off (peng), Stroke (lü), Press (ji), and Push (an) must be taken seriously.

Upper and lower coordinate, and the opponent finds it difficult to enter.

Let the opponent attack with great force; use four ounces to deflect a thousand pounds.

Attract to emptiness and discharge;
Adhere (Zhan), connect (Lian), stick (Nian), follow (sui);
not resisting, not letting go.

Sentence by sentence


Péng lǚ jǐ àn xū rènzhēn, shàngxià xiāng suí rén nán jìn.

Ward off (peng), Stroke (lü), Press (ji), and Push (an) must be taken seriously.

Upper and lower coordinate, and the opponent finds it difficult to enter.


Rèn tā jù lì lái dǎ wǒ, qiāndòng sì liǎng bō qiān jīn.

Let the opponent attack with great force; use four ounces to deflect a thousand pounds.


Yǐnjìn luòkōng hé jí chū, zhān lián nián suí bù diū dǐng.

Attract to emptiness and discharge; adhere (zhan), connect (lian), stick (nian), follow (sui);
t resisting, not letting go.

1 The character (nian) is often seen in publications which has identical meaning to 粘

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