孙氏八卦剑谱 – Sun Style Ba Gua Sword










Sun style Ba Gua Sword

  1. Heaven trigram (Qian Gua, )

    1. Sleeping dragon overturns body (蛰龙翻身, Zhe long fan shen)

    2. Sweeping the moon at the horizon (天边扫月, Tian bian sao yue)

    3. Sweep the ground to search the root (扫地搜, Sao di sou gen)

    4. White monkey holds up peach (白猿托桃, Bai yuan tuo tao)

  2. Earth trigram (Kun Gua, )

    1. Sun and Moon dispute who’s brightest (日月争明, Ri yue zheng ming)

    2. Falling star overtakes the moon (流星赶月, Liu xinggan yue)

    3. Green dragon turns head (青龙返首, Qing long fan shou)

  3. Water trigram (Kan Gua, )

    1. Sweeping the moon at the horizon (天边扫月, Tian bian sao yue)

    2. Immortal carries the sword (仙人背剑, Xian ren bei jian)

    3. Immortal changes shadow (仙人换影, Xian ren huan ying)

  4. Fire trigram (Li Gua, )

    1. Sun and Moon dispute who’s brightest (日月争明, Ri yue zheng ming)

    2. White monkey steals peach (白猿偷桃, Bai yuan xian tao)

    3. Immortal escapes the shell (仙人脱壳, Xian ren tuo ke)

  5. Thunder trigram (Zhen Gua, )

    1. White snake hides in the grass (白蛇伏草, Bai she fu cao)

    2. Submerged dragon emerges from the water (潜龙出水, Qian long chu shui)

    3. Green dragon explores the sea (青龙探海, Qing long tan hai)

  6. Mountain trigram (Gen Gua, )

    1. Black tiger exists cave (黑虎出洞, Hei hu chu dong)

    2. White snake shows his tongue (白蛇吐信, Bai she tu xin)

    3. Green dragon cross the road (青龙截路, Qing long jie lu)

    4. White monkey steals peach (白猿偷桃, Bai yuan xian tao)

    5. Immortal enters cage (仙人入洞, Xian ren ru dong)

    6. Sun and Moon dispute who’s brightest (日月争明, Ri yue zheng ming)

  7. Wind trigram (Xun Gua, )

    1. Hide the flower in the leaf (叶里藏花, Ye li cang hua)

    2. Fierce tiger crossing the road (猛虎截路, Meng hu jie lu)

  8. Lake trigram (Dui Gua,)

    1. Shave the upper arm (片膀, Pian bang)

    2. Returning horse sword (回马剑, Hui ma jian)

    3. Look back at the moon (回头望月, Hui tou wang yue)

    4. Immortal fishing (仙人钓鱼, Xian ren diao yu)

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